Have you ever wished you could design your own bag? For sure I have. Now that wish has become true thanks to Quattropiume, the latest luxury accessories brand born in Florence from 4 friends who wanted to give everyone the chance to design their dream bags.
Making this little dream of mine of designing my own bag was the reason of my trip to Florence a couple of weeks ago. It was a beautiful experience of discovery. While you are the one putting your creativity into making your dream clutch, local leather artisans are the ones molding your bag using the process and techniques they are famous for.
The Quattropiume process seems easy to our internet savvy generation but having the customer and the best leather artisans involved directly in the creation of a bag isn't an easy fit. The time, expertise and effort that goes into creating a piece of fashion art is lots of work and that is why this is a very luxury experience. In the era when fashion is going towards customization, Quattropiume takes it to the next level by offering a total new experience of creating your style from scratch.
"Quattropiume" is born in Florence and its name identifies the nature of the brand itself. In English, it literally translates “four feathers”, but in Italian it actually conceals a pun: QUATTRO means four, referring to the four founder minds, while PIU'-ME means PLUS ME, dedicated to the customer who becomes the stylist of her own clutch bag, translating her idea of beauty with creativity and originality.
The steps to be taken in the creation of your dream clutch are made easy by Quattropiume, having them already selected a wide range of shapes, colors and precious leathers of python, crocodile, and lizard. Once you have designed your clutch through a 3D design program the bag will be delivered to you in 45 days. While I know that in the era of online shopping we expect everything to be delivered immediately, in this case, the clutches are handmade by leather artisans and it takes time for luxury fashion to come to life.
Design you bag with Quattropiume
An easy 3 step guide to making your dream bag